Courageously Kind

Courageously Kind Co-Creator Liz was born with a condition called Golden-har Syndrome which affected the development of her face. As a result, both Liz and Maddie are proud activists and advocates for Face Equality. Check out this page to learn more!
Approximately 600,000 people in the US have a facial difference. It's time for equal rights and positive representation for all people.
Facial Difference - A non-normative appearance of the neck and above, caused by conditions an individual was born with, or acquired changes to the face either temporary or permanent
Disfigurement- word for "difference" used historically in medical or legal settings. The word can hold negative connotations, but some people choose to identify with it and are changing the way the term is perceived.
Face Equality - is a social justice movement working to end inequality, prejudice, and discrimination against people with facial differences.
Face Equality International - "Face Equality International is an alliance of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), charities, and support groups working to promote the campaign for ‘face equality.
FACES The National Cranio-Facial Association - A non-profit organization serving children and adults throughout the United States with craniofacial differences.
Face Equality International's Website - faceequalityinternational.org
FACES Website - faces-cranio.org
Changing Faces UK Website - changingfaces.org.uk
About Face Canada - aboutface.ca